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Bild: thomasfuer, photocase.demehr

The Arctic Century Expedition

Prof. Samuel Jaccard, UniL, Faculty of Geosciences Prof. Núria Casacuberta, D-USYS, ETHZ


16:00 - 17:15

The Arctic Century Expedition (summer 2021) was a multidisciplinary expedition that studied rarely accessible and remote areas in the Kara and Laptev Sea in the western Arctic. The scientific programme focused on diverse and important aspects aiming at understading the sensitive Arctic environmental system. Here we will present some of the work performed during this cruise, including the study of Trace Elements and Isotopes (TEIs) and other anthropogenic radionuclides that enter the Arctic Ocean as a result of discharges from European nuclear reprocessing plants.

Arctic sea
Bild: Nathalie Dubois, COL


The Arctic Century Expedition to the Barents Sea in 2021: preliminary results

Samuel Jaccard, UniL, Faculty of Geosciences

Following the paths of anthropogenic radionuclides in the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans

Núria Casacuberta, D-USYS, ETHZ


16.00 - 16.05 - Begrüssung

16.05 - 16.35 - Referat «The Arctic Century Expedition to the Barents Sea in 2021: preliminary results»

16.35 - 17.05 - Referat «Following the paths of anthropogenic radionuclides in the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans»

17.05 - 17.15 - Diskussion



  • Limnologie
  • Ozeane
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Sprachen: Englisch