TRAINING (2.4.1)
Membro della SCNAT

La SSHL è impegnata nella protezione delle acque e nell'uso sostenibile delle risorse idriche. Essa riunisce le competenze di varie discipline e si impegna a promuoverne un impiego mirato ed efficace.di più

Immagine: thomasfuer, photocase.dedi più


The SSHL regularly organises the following events:

  • General Assembly with lectures on current topics in the field of hydrology and limnology from research and practice
  • specialist conferences in the field of hydrology and limnology in cooperation with the Swiss Hydrological Commission (CHy) and the Swiss Society of Hydrogeology (SGH)
  • symposium "Hydrology, Limnology, Hydrogeology" as part of the annual Swiss Geoscience Meetings (SGM)
  • Junior Researchers Conference for doctoral students and master's students

SSHL Events